Continuous Medical Education Program: Neuro Muscular Ultrasound
1. Organizing Committee: Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Cong - President of the Vietnam Neurological Association Coordinator: Dr. Phan...
Read more1. Organizing Committee: Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Cong - President of the Vietnam Neurological Association Coordinator: Dr. Phan...
Read moreExciting news for VANEM members and pediatric neurology enthusiasts around the world! The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) is set...
VANEM (Vietnamese Association of Neurology and Electromyography) has sent two doctors, Le Tu Quoc Tuan and Nguyen Mai Hoa, to...
Explore the realm of Electrocardiography (ECG) with Dr. Sajjan M's "Learn ECG in a Day: A Systematic Approach," published by...
© 2023 VANEM - Hội Bệnh Thần kinh cơ và Chẩn đoán điện Việt Nam.
© 2023 VANEM - Hội Bệnh Thần kinh cơ và Chẩn đoán điện Việt Nam.